Prizes XXXI - 2024

Prizes XXXI - 2024

 ○ Edition XXXI » from Saturday 18 to Saturday 25 May 2024.

• Registration deadline » Monday 11 March 2024.

• Location » Aquila Theatre [via Mazzini, 6 / Fermo (FM) - Marche / Italy].

• Prize money » of over € 30.000,00.


○ Category - A

• 1st class. » Diploma, by “Alvaro Giostra & Figli” - Fermo € 1.400,00.

• 2nd class. » Diploma, by “Organismo di Mediazione Forense (OCFF N. 321)” € 500,00 and by ccAMF-ETS € 600,00.

• 3rd class. » Diploma, by Steca SpA ( - Monte Urano (FM) € 400,00 and by ccAMF-ETS € 500,00.

• Student’s grant » Diploma, by “Luciano Leoni in memoria del Comm. Niccola Campofiloni” - Fermo € 600,00 and by ccAMF-ETS € 200,00.

Category - B

• 1st class. » Diploma, by “SOLGAS SpA - Fermo” € 1.500,00 and by ccAMF-ETS € 300,00.

• 2nd class. » Diploma, by “Assessorato Cultura del Comune di Fermo” € 1.400,00.

• 3rd class. » Diploma, by “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo” € 1.100,00.

• Student’s grant » Diploma, by “Assessorato Cultura del Comune di Fermo” € 1.000,00.

○ Category - C

• 1st class. » Diploma, byCamera di Commercio delle Marche” € 2.200,00.

• 2nd class. » Diploma, by “Dottori Strappa Srl di Fermo” € 1.700,00.

• 3rd class. » Diploma, by “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo” € 1.300,00.

• Student’s grant » Diploma, by Rotary International Club - Fermo € 1.200,00.

○ Category - D

• 1st class. » Diploma, by “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo” € 2.600,00.

• 2nd class. » Diploma, by “Carifermo SpA - Fermo” € 2.000,00.

• 3rd class. » Diploma, by “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo” € 1.500,00.

• Quota for non-winners finalists » Diploma, by “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo” € 2.000,00 to be shared, among them; in case of single non-winner finalist, the prize is reduced by half.

○ Special prizes

• Diploma, prize Committee of Honour (for the best interpretation of a piece by J. S. Bach) of € 800,00 by “Camera di Commercio delle Marche”.

• Diploma, prize City of Fermo (to the Italian competitor for the best execution of Capricci by Niccolo Paganini) of € 800,00 by “Assessorato Cultura del Comune di Fermo”.

• Diploma, prize City of Ansbach - Germany (to the best classified of German nationality) of € 500,00 by the Municipality of Ansbach (

• Diploma, prize in memory of Commendator Guerriero Santori (for the best interpretation of the composition of the19th, 20th or 21st centuries for violin solo or violin and piano, for Category - C and - D) of € 600,00 by “Santori Pellami SpA ( - Monte Urano (FM)”.

Diploma, prize from Atelier Lazzaro - Padua ( & Fine Violins Salzburg GmbH ( to the best Italian competitor classified in categories - C and D, a "Marino Capicchioni - Rimini 1966" violin ( by courtesy of Dr. Stefano Morra - Paris) on free loan for use for an entire year”.

Prize "Andrea Postacchini" to the Absolute Winner

Diploma, violin by Giacomo NIBID (Liuteria Nibid Facebook) from Montorio al Vomano (TE - Italy) and bow by Walter BARBIERO ( from Piombino Dese (PD - Italy).

○ Concerts prize (in chronological order)

• Concerts by “FORM - Orchestra Filarmonica Marchigiana” in cooperation with the Andrea Postacchini Violin Competition; they are realized for the project U-35 New Talent and during the 2025 Symphonic Season (

• Concert with Orchestra I Virtuosi Italiani by “I VIRTUOSI ITALIANI IMPRESA SOCIALE Srl” of Verona (, to be held at the cultural space of San Pietro in Monastero or at the Ristori Theater of Verona in the 25th Concert Season 2025.

• Two concerts by the “Fondazione Gioventù Musicale d’Italia” for the winner of Category - D to be performed in its own regional venues in the 2024/2025 concert season.

• Concert for the edition 34th - Summer Music Meeting (July/August 2024) - at the Courtyard of “Palazzo Campana” by the Campana Institute for Permanent Education ( - Osimo (AN).

• Concert for the “Serate Musicali” 2024/2025 season with the Chamber Orchestra Sinfonietta Gigli at the Auditorium of the “Centro Mondiale della Poesia di Recanati“ (MC) - the concert is curated by the Civica Scuola di Musica “Beniamino Gigli” (

• Concert by the Appassionata Associazione Musicale ( of Macerata (MC) in the 2025 Concert Season.

• Concert organized by the “Gli AMICI della MUSICA “Guido Michelli”” Association of Ancona (AN) ( during the 2024 summer season”.

• Concert by “Giuseppe Cerquetelli” Cultural Musical Association - Cingoli (MC) to be held in Cingoli (the “Balcony of the Marche Region”) in 2024.

Fermo, Saturday 27 April 2024

● PLEASE NOTE (Article by Regulation XXXI - 2024)

○ Article 17) Prizes, scholarships and concert prizes

• 17a » the prize money will be sent to the winners mainly via bank transfer, the given figures are gross of withholding taxes established by law;

• 17b » all the prizes and scholarships are indivisible;

• 17c » other prizes and concerts may be awarded to the winners;

• 17d » the concert prizes include full reimbursement of round trip and accommodation / food costs. In case of refusal of the date of the awarded concert the right to the prize is lost.

Categorie e Argomenti