Regulations XXXII - 2025

Regulations XXXII - 2025

 ○ Edition XXXII » from Saturday 17 to Saturday 24 May 2025.

• Registration deadline » Monday 10 March 2025.

• Location » Aquila Theatre [via Mazzini, 6 / Fermo (FM) - Marche / Italy].

• Prize money » of over € 30.000,00.


Article 01 » The “Antiqua Marca Firmana” Cultural Centre, with the participation of Public and Private Entities of Fermo and its territory, of the Region and other Supporters organizes the XXXII Edition of the International Violin Competition “Andrea Postacchini” (see » Notes XXXII - 2025).

○ Article 02 » The Edition XXXII will take place at the “Aquila” Theatre of Fermo (Marche / Italy) from Saturday 17 to Saturday 24 May 2025 - Registration deadline Monday 10 March 2025.

○ Article 03 » Violinists of all nationalities can enroll in the XXXII edition of the Competition.

○ Article 04 » The XXXII edition is divided into the following Categories{

• category - A » for those born between 2014 - 2017;

• category - B » for those born between 2009 - 2013;

• category - C » for those born between 2004 - 2008;

• category - D » for those born between 1993 - 2003;

it is possible to choose a higher category, but not a lower one.

○ Article 05 » The participation and registration to the XXXII edition of the Competition allows the treatment of candidate's personal information, as set out in Article 13 of Law Decree No. 196/2003, for the purposes of effective management of artistic / cultural relationships.

○ Article 06 » Each examination will be public; access and entry of the public during auditions is forbidden.

○ Article 07 » The program sending cannot be modified (see » Program XXXII - 2025).

○ Article 08 » The Jury may decide to listen to only a part of the program presented.

○ Article 09 » Competitors must attend the roll-call of their category at the Venue of the Competition (“Aquila” Theatre, via Mazzini, 6 - Fermo) provided of a document of identity in progress of validity.

○ Article 10 » Competitors who are absent at the moment of the roll-call will be excluded from the Examination.

○ Article 11 » The Commission's judgement is definitive, incontrovertible and cannot be appealed. The admission of competitors from the eliminatory tests to the following ones will be decided by a majority vote of the Jury in terms of pass or fail. For the finals, instead, candidates will be evaluated through marks from 1 to 10 (divisible into quarters of point), expressed by the Jury members, to be reported in a voting card. The final outcome will result from the average of the marks assigned by each Jury member after discarding the highest and lowest marks. The Jury may decide not to award prizes in case it reckons that no candidate deserve it.

○ Article 12 » The definitive timetable (roll-calls and tests) for all categories will be published on following web site within end March 2025.

○ Article 13 » Before the roll call of each category, an alphabetical letter will be drawn which will determine the order of execution of the competition trials based on the surname initials of the candidates.

○ Article 14 » The Jury will be composed of seven voting members, chosen from well-known musicians, and will be assisted by the Team-Operating (of ccAMF-ETS) and by possible secretaries without right of vote.

○ Article 15 » Should the competitor be a relative or student (…) of a member of the commission, he or she cannot participate to the Edition. In compliance with the applicable rules each member of Jury must issue a statement on his or her personal situation regarding the competitors of the Edition XXXII.

○ Article 16 » The accompanying official pianists of the Edition XXXII (to be contacted only during the competition) to follow on alphabetical order: Mr. …, Mr. …, Mrs. …, Mr. … (in the application form: select YES for requiring a official accompanist; select NO for participating with a personal pianist).

○ Article 17 » Prizes, Scholarships, Concert prizes and Quotas (see » Prizes XXXII - 2025){

• 17a » the prize money will be sent to the winners mainly via bank transfer, the given figures are gross of with holding taxes established by law;

• 17b » all the prizes and scholarships are indivisible;

• 17c » other prizes and concerts may be awarded to the winners;

• 17d » the concert prizes include full reimbursement of round trip and accommodation / food costs; in case of refusal of the date of the awarded concert the right to the prize is lost.

• 17e » the allocation of the quotas for NON-winning finalists of category - D will be delivered on Friday 23 May at 3h:00 p.m. in the Foyer of the Teatro dell’Aquila, the absent finalist will lose the right to receive the quota;

○ Article 18 » The “Awards Ceremony and Concert of the Winners Evening” will take place on Saturday 24 May 2025 (9h:00 p.m.) at the “Aquila” Theatre of Fermo, all Winners will however be obliged (under penalty of loss of the prize) to be present to the “Awards Ceremony”, where the selected persons will play in the Concert of the Winners.

○ Article 19 » The “Winner” of Category D or C will be invited by “FORM - Orchestra Filarmonica Marchigiana” for the realization of Concerts (see: Article 17d) within the framework of the Symphonic Season 2026 (see: Prizes XXXII - 2025).

○ Article 20 » Consent of the artist and exclusive property right{

• 20a » participants and competitors to Edition of the Competition (and their legal representatives in case of minors) give their consent to the Cultural Center Antiqua Marca Firmana for photographic, video, audio-video and audio shootings of the participant and his / her performance, in all stages of the Competition including the “Awards Ceremony and Winners Concert” and all subsidiary events, in public or private sites;

• 20b » consent to photographic, video, audio-video and audio shootings is given by participants and competitors to Edition of the Competition and by their legal representatives also for interviews with journalists of all media, press, television, radio and internet;

• 20c » participants and competitors to Edition of the Competition (and their legal representatives in case of minors) recognize to the Cultural Center Antiqua Marca Firmana the right of intellectual property of photographic, video, audio-video and audio shootings of their performance, during all stages of the Competition, including the “Awards Ceremony and Winners Concert” and all subsidiary events in public or private sites and interviews given to media in all occasions of the whole competition. The Cultural Center Antiqua Marca Firmana will therefore have the right to freely and exclusively use the aforementioned photographic shootings, video, audio-video and audio recordings with every form prescribed by the law on copyright, including the one on dissemination and unlimited direct reproduction with every technological means and through third parties, authorized by the Cultural Center Antiqua Marca Firmana also upon payment;

• 20d » consent to photographic, video, audio-video, shootings, and to audio recordings and to their reproduction and dissemination is free and is given to the Cultural Center Antiqua Marca Firmana by participants (with negotiation) and by competitors (with registration) without any legal burden and economic cost for the latter.

○ Article 21 » The registration at the XXXII edition of the Competition can be done sending within Monday 10 March 2025 the following{

• 21a » application form online by web site;

• 21b » scanning of the document of identity (for the Minor also scanning document of identity of the Parents) to;

• 21c) » scanning of the receipt of payment to e-mail -; to follow registration fees to be transferred to the beneficiary C.C. Antiqua Marca Firmana and payment link{

• category - A » € 110,00 net;

• category - B » € 120,00 net;

• category - C » € 130,00 net;

• category - D » € 140,00 net; (English language); (English language); (Italian language);

• attention » all expenses and commissions must be paid by sender;

• 21d » photocopies of the piano scores of the pieces presented at the Edition XXXII (sonatas and concerts in program excluded - unless specific request) in case the competitor requires the official accompanist, the fee of 100,00 € net for the official pianist it is good to send it added to the fee of his category. Photocopies are mandatory for those who plan to perform a piece of 20th or 21st century (2 copies). Send photocopies by mail to Centro Culturale Antiqua Marca Firmana / viale Trento Nunzi, 50 / 63900 Fermo (FM) / Marche - Italia; otherwise after Monday 07? April 2025 send scanning of scores (only PDF) at the e-mail »;

• 21e » admission fees and those for the accompanists will be refunded only in case of cancellation of the XXXII edition of the Competition or of any of its categories.

○ Article 22 » In case of dispute only the Italian text reproduced on web site (will be considered valid)

○ Article 23 » The Court of Fermo will have jurisdiction over any possible dispute.

○ Article 24 » The participants and competitors present to XXXII edition of the Competition (and on their behalf their legal representatives in case of minors) exempt the Cultural Center Antiqua Marca Firmana and persons acting for and on its behalf in the all organization of the Edition from the civil responsibility for damages that participant (and parent or companion) may suffer to person and things for incidents that may occur during transfers to reach all public and private sites used for the implementation of the whole event, as far as for facts that may occur in the whole period of the event it self.

○ Article 25 » The enrolment to XXXII edition of the Competition is considered as unconditional and full acceptance of this (composed by 25 articles) Regulations XXXII - 2025.

Fermo, Wednesday 18 September 2024

○ Edition XXXII - 2025 » Competition Tests Calendar{

• Saturday 17 May » Eliminatory test category - D;

• Sunday 18 May » Eliminatory test category - D and Eliminatory test category - C;

• Monday 19 May » Eliminatory test category - C;

• Tuesday 20 May » Semifinal test category - D;

• Wednesday 21 May » Final test category - C;

• Thursday 22 May » Eliminatory test category - B;

• Friday 23 May » Final test category - D and Final test category - B;

• Saturday 24 May » Single test category - A;

• Saturday 24 May » “Awards Ceremony and Concert of the Winners Evening” (from 9h:00 p.m.)

Maps, Recommended Accommodation and Utility

• see » Useful Information

Categorie e Argomenti