1° International Violin Making Competition - May 2019

1° International Violin Making Competition - May 2019

INFORMATION. Regulation, Notes and Participation Form

▪ incomplete and missing documentation required for the fulfillment of Articles 2 and 3 + 5 + 8 and the application irregularities of Articles 9 and 10 as per the underlying REGULATIONS, examined with specific meetings by the Board of Directors of the Organizing Body Cultural Centre Antiqua Marca Firmana, have led to the final decision not to be able to legitimize the 1st EDITION which can consequently be validated and filed only with the qualification of UNOFFICIAL
It follows that the Organizing Body was unable to maintain the commitment (publication of the complete catalog of the winning works) referred to in Article 14
(Minutes 74 Quater - Meeting of October 14th, 2019 of the Board of Directors of the Cultural Centre Antiqua Marca Firmana)

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1st International Violin Making Competition “Postacchini-Riccucci” [Fermo (FM), Marche / Italy] from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May 2019 to the Small Roman Cisterns (address: Largo Calzecchi Onesti - 63900 Fermo). Deadline admission Saturday 11 May 2019. Secreteriat ▫ Mr. Giuseppe Stefano CONCA ▫ e-mail: ConcorsoInternazionaleLiuteria@gmail.com

Article 01)
The Antiqua Marca Firmana Cultural Centre (ASP) with the participation of the Municipality of Fermo, the Municipality of San Ginesio, the CP Club for UNESCO of Cremona and Private Entities of the Fermo region organizes the first edition of the International Violin Making Competition "Andrea Postacchini - Alessandro Riccucci” which aims to promote and improve the construction of hand-crafted string instruments through the comparison of the musical instruments in competition and the recognition of prizes for those instruments that will result in expressing the highest degree of constructive and acoustic excellence. The competition will take place at the Small Roman Cisterns in Fermo and will be divided into the following ○ categories and sub-categories ▪ 1) Professionalsa) Modern Instrumentsb) Antiqued Instruments ▪ 2) Non-professionals ▫ a) Modern Instruments ▫ b) Antiqued Instruments ▪ 3) Groups of instruments ▫ a) Violin ▫ b) Viola ▫ c) Cello ▫ d) Double bass. The instruments will be exposed to the public, according to the unquestionable judgment of the Jury, at the Competition venue: Piccole Cisterne Romane - Largo Calzecchi Onesti - 63900 Fermo (FM) - Marche / Italy from May 24th, 2019 to May 26th, 2019. Throughout the whole period the instruments cannot be withdrawn or replaced. Article 02) Can participate in the Competition all those who work as luthiers at a professional or non-professional level, regardless of nationality. Those who have a family relationship or affinity within the 4th degree with a juror are excluded. The participation form must be filled in exclusively from the model at the end of this Regulation of which it is an integral part; the pdf scan of the participation form must ▪ 1) be sent, duly completed in all its parts, no later than May 11, 2019 by e-mail to the following address: ConcorsoInternazionaleLiuteria@gmail.com ▪ 2) be accompanied by a pdf scan of a valid identity document of the competitor ▪ 3) have reported in the appropriate area, for the "Professionals" section, the VAT number or the registration number of recognized professional bodies (for Italy the Chamber of Commerce registration number is valid) and can participate only in this category. Article 03) The participation form must also be accompanied by a pdf scan confirming the payment of the registration fee for the Competition of € 50.00 (Fifty/00 Euros) net of bank charges (bank transfer charges OUR). The registration fee entitles the presentation of only one instrument. For any other instrument, must be paid € 30.00 (Thirty/00 Euros) each net of bank charges (bank transfer charges OUR). The registration fee payment system can be chosen and / or made by the following links ▪ for Italy www.concorsopostacchini.it/pagamenti/ ▪ from abroad www.concorsopostacchini.it/en-pagamenti/ . The registration fee will not be refunded in case of cancellation after the communication of admission by the organizing body. Incomplete documentation will not be accepted and will not be returned. Article 04) Each participant can present more than one instrument, regardless of the category they belong to (Professionals / Non-Professionals) and the chosen instrumental group (violin / viola / cello / double bass). Article 05) The President of the Jury will ask the Members to express for each instrument the evaluation with marks from ONE to TEN; the votes will be reported in the final report on a specific register; the final result will come from the sum of the votes expressed by the jurors. The Jury may not award prizes if it will consider one or more competitors not worthy. The Jury will not admit to the Competition instruments that ▪ a) have been awarded in other national or international competitions ▪ b) have characteristics of mechanical processing or spray paints ▪ c) present eccentric forms, decorations, colors or woods that deviate from tradition; with a written and motivated opinion, they are unanimously considered by the Jury to be incompatible with the Competition and its aims. Article 06) The works presented at the Competition must be absolutely anonymous. Each instrument and the case that will contain it must be free of signs or elements that can make the author of the product recognizable and / or easily identifiable. Therefore, labels, fire stamps, trademarks, monograms of any kind and useful elements that can make the author of the work registered in the competition recognizable and / or easily identifiable must not be visible on the case or on the instrument being submitted to judgment. Article 07) The instruments delivered to the Competition Secretariat must be provided with an envelope and a tag for each item. The envelope containing the data requested below must be closed and sealed ▪ 1) photostatic copy of the participation form ▪ 2) date and place of construction of the instrument ▪ 3) short curriculum vitae with two color photographs of the competitor ▪ 4) two 10x15 cm. color photographs reproducing the complete instrument seen from the side of the table and from the side of the back plate. Article 08) The delivery of the instruments must take place by hand at the Competition venue on the following day: Friday May 24th, 2019 from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Piccole Cisterne Romane - Largo Calzecchi Onesti - 63900 Fermo (FM) - Marche /Italy. Upon delivery, in the presence of the competitor or of his delegate, the state of conservation of each instrument will be examined, a report numbered by the Competition Secretary will be drawn up and signed on a special register. The same Secretary will report the arrival code (formed by the number of the report and other codes) both on the outside of the envelope and on the specific tag of the instrument. Article 09) The Jury of the Competition is composed of the President and the Jurors, as indicated below ▫ President Fabio Perrone (Italy) ▫ Jury Gregg T. Alf (U.S.A./Italy), Hyuna KIM (South Korea), Enzo CENA (Italy), Georgy LEVINOV (Russia), Silvia MARCOVICI (France), Muneko OYA OTANI (Japan / U.S.A.), Gabriele PIERANUNZI (Italy), Roberto RANFALDI (Italy), Gerhard SCHULZ (Austria), Liu ZAO YANG (Italy). Article 10) The Jury's decisions are final. The President organizes and directs the work of the Jury but does not participate in the attribution of scores to the instruments. Any changes in the composition of the Jury will be promptly communicated to the participants by the Competition organization. Article 11) The instruments admitted to the Competition will be judged according to the following criteria: aesthetic, constructive and acoustic. The total scores will determine the final merit ranking as described in the previous Article 05). Article 12) The following prizes are available to the Jury ▫ Professionals Section - Modern Instruments ▪ First place diploma ▪ Diploma of second classified ▪ Diploma of third classified - Antiqued Instruments ▪ First place diploma ▪ Diploma of second classified ▪ Diploma of third classified ▫ Non-professionals Section - Modern Instruments ▪ First place diploma ▪ Diploma of second classified ▪ Diploma of third classified - Antiqued Instruments ▪ First place diploma ▪ Diploma of second classified ▪ Diploma of third classified ▫ Specials Prizes ▪ Merit Diploma “Andrea Postacchini” for the best aesthetic judgment attributed ▪ Merit Diploma “Alessandro Riccucci” for the best acoustic judgment attributed. Other prizes may be awarded at the incontestable discretion of the competition Jury. All those admitted to the competition will receive a certificate of participation. Article 13) For insurance purposes, the instruments are covered by the organization of the Competition with an insurance policy against the risks of fire, theft and damage with the following limits ▫ violin € 5,000.00 ▫ viola € 6,000.00 ▫ cello € 8,000.00 ▫ double bass € 10,000.00. The insurance coverage will operate only for the duration of the Competition, from the delivery of the instrument to its return. Article 14) The organization of the Competition undertakes to publish the complete catalog of the winning works. A copy of the catalog will be sent to the participants. Article 15) The “Award Ceremony" will take place on Sunday May 26th, 2019 at 11:30 am at the Sala Rollina - Teatro dell'Aquila in Fermo - 63900 Fermo (FM) - Marche / Italy. Article 16) Once the competition phases have ended, the instruments can be collected from 9:00 am at the Competition venue - Piccole Cisterne Romane - Largo Calzecchi Onesti - 63900 Fermo (FM) - Marche / Italy. Article 17) The Court of Fermo is responsible for any disputes. Article 18) Participants in the first edition of the Competition (and on their behalf their legal representatives in the case of minors) exempt the Cultural Centre Antiqua Marca Firmana and persons acting in its name and account to the overall organization of the edition from civil liability for damages that the competitor (and his relative or partner) should be subjected to the person and things due to facts that may occur during the movements to reach all public and private places destined to the total carrying out of the event, as well as for facts that should occur in the total period of the same event. ▪ Privacy policy pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (UE) 2016 / 679. In accordance with articles 13 - 14 of GDPR 679 / 2016 (hereinafter Privacy Regulation), we wish to inform you, for the purposes set out in the aforementioned Regulation or for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the data processing that may result from the completion of the present forms hat the (ASP) Association Cultural Centre Antiqua Marca Firmana (hereinafter “ccAMF”) needs to process some of your personal data to respond to administrative and technical requirements. According to this legislation, this treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights. 1. Data Controller - Data Controller is ccAMF (Contact Person Roberto Perticarà) - registered office: viale Trento Nunzi, 50 / 63900 Fermo - tel. (+39) 0734.224137 - email: info@ccamf.org - VAT Number: 01907700445. 2. Purposes and legal basis of data processing. The processing has the following purposes: Data you will supply will be processed with the purpose of fulfilling the requirements necessary for the successful completion of administrative and technical operation and to provide feedback to the request of participation. 3. Data processing methods. The operations are carried out with the aid of electronic, IT, telephone and paper instruments. Data will be stored in archives and electronic databases at the ccAMF. Data will be protected by sustraction or alteration by means of appropriate security, management and archiving systems. The ccAMF staff will process the data only within the limits strictly necessary for the performance of their tasks  and the execution of the request and will be protect its confidentiality in compliance with current regulations. The processing is carried out by the contact person, by the external subjects as data controllers, both with regard to the fulfillment of the request of participation and for the fulfillment of legal obligations and by internal subjects appointed by the data controller. Data, however, are processed and collected from the management of the request and for future initiatives and up to the request for cancellation by the interested party. 4. Nature of the provision of data and consequences in case of failure to provide data - The provision of personal data for the purposes outlined in paragraph 2 of this statement is mandatory and the refusal to provide consent to such data prevents feedback to the request of participation. 5. Transfer of personal data to non-EU countries - Your data will not be transferred to non-EU countries. Some data may be made public via website. 6. Communication and dissemination of data - The personal data received by the Contact Person can be communicated to Public Administrations and Entities in relation to which the communication of data is mandatory by law, by a regulation or legislation, even of community origin. The personal data will not be disclosed to Promoting Activities and other partners and will be not be disseminated for third parties promotional purposes. Data could be made public only and exclusively for legal purposes, as well as for advertising requirements of the competition and of the results of the competition. The data processing will start simultaneously with the receipt of the request for participation. 7. Data retention period - Data will be held by the ccAMF for 10 years after the date of termination of the competition, or until the request for cancellation by the interested party. 8. Rights of the interested party pursuant to article 15 (access), 16 (rectification), 17 (cancellation), 18 (limitation), 20 (portability), 21 (opposition) - Subjects to whom personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of the same data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating , or rectification. Pursuant to the same article, you will have the right to request the deletion, the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment. At any time you can exercise your rights towards the data controller, in accordance with current legislation. It should be noted that those who fill out the form / card and provide authorization for data processing always have the right to revoke the consent at any time as well as to request access to personal data and the correction or cancellation of the same  or the limitation of the processing of personal data or even to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability. For more information on the processing of personal data or to exercise the rights provided by EU Regulation 679/2016 as specified above, the interested party must send a written communication to: "Centro Culturale Antiqua Marca Firmana" - registered office: viale TRENTO NUNZI, 50 / 63900 FERMO (FM) - ITALY or send an e-mail to the address info@ccamf.org. Article 19) Registration for the first edition of the competition implies the unconditional and complete acceptance of this Regulations 1st - 2019 (composed of 19 articles). Secreteriat telephone +39 335 8152287.

Fermo, Monday 08 April 2019

Categorie e Argomenti